What does it mean to be committed to Love?
What does it mean to be a Lover?
Love is. Love is a devotion to Truth;
A Truth that goes beyond the specialness of relational confines, and religious boxes.
Love embraces, accepts, and trusts all that is.
I am a lover through and through.
Sometimes being committed to Love requires that I experience what is not Love to be revealed, felt, seen and acknowledged. Almost as if what I have made to be in the way of Love’s Vision must come up first. Like a cloud covering the moon. I must first see the clouds in my own mind, the cloudy-ness of my own sight.
The devotion to Love is the ability to Love even that which is not Love. The ability to look upon all things through the Lense of Love.
The ability to be guided in the dark is a superpower, and Love is a superhero but it wears no specific cape or costume. Love is The Healer, but it looks no specific way.
I will spend my Life in commitment to teaching, therefore learning, through the Master that I call Love.
And when I inevitably “fail” the lesson that at any given time any given teacher may be demonstrating to me, I will know that failure is a only temporary and a means to see once more the ability I have to choose again. To choose for Love.
So, I celebrate the falls from Grace, for they show me what the value is in rising back into it.